A roomful of professionals
A roomful of professionals are all asked to prove that all odd numbers (besides 1) are prime.
The physicist says: 3 is prime... 5 is prime... 7 is prime... 9... well, experimental error. 11 is prime..random test 23, done.
The mathematician says: 3 is prime, 5 is prime, 7 is prime... therefore, by induction on 2n-1, all odd numbers are prime.
The engineer says: 3 is prime... 5 is prime... 7 is prime... 9 is prime... 11 is prime... ...
The chemist says: 3 is prime, 5 is prime, 7 is prime; well, I guess that's enough data!
The biologist says: What's a prime?
The programmer says: Wait a minute, I think I have an algorithm from Knuth on finding prime numbers... just a little bit longer, I've found the last bug... no, that's not it... ya know, I think there may be a compiler bug here - oh, did you want IEEE-998.0334 rounding or not? - was that in the spec? - hold on, I've almost got it - I was up all night working on this program, ya know... now if management would just get me that new workstation tha just came out, I'd be one by now... etc., etc. ...
The computer scientist says: 3 is prime... 5 is prime... 7 is prime... 7 is prime... 7 is prime...
7 is prime... ...
The psychologist says: 3 is prime... 5 is prime... 7 is prime... 9 is latently prime but repressing it... 11 is prime...
The social scientist says: 3 is prime... 5 is prime... 7 is prime... we'll pretend 9 is prime...
11 is prime... ...
The sociologist says: 2 true, 4 true, 6 true, 8 true, ...
The economist says: Let us assume that, ceteris paribus, all odd numbers are prime ...
The Keynsean economist says: Since no integer greater than one can divide a prime number, all primes greater than two are odd. Q.E.D.
Taken from

Heiko Purnhagen 06-sep-98